
Cut The Rope 3 Stars Guide/Walkthrough (Cardboard theme Level 1-25)

Ok, so what is the next best game on the iPhone besides Angry Birds? Well, take a look at the AppStore and see if you can figure it out. Its another simple mechanics game, requiring little learning skills, but lots of patience. If you ask me whether its as good as Angry Birds, I would probably say no but if you have already finished Angry Birds and looking for the next best game to indulge yourself with, I would highly recommend Cut The Rope.

This game is also publised by Chillingo but is developed by Zeptolab. You can grab it at the AppStore for $0.99, which is a good investment if you ask me. So many games in the AppStore cost so much more but has less enjoyment factor compared to this. So if you have not got it yet, go grab it here.

And to help you with the game, here is the video walkthrough for the Cardboard level.

Cardboard level
Levels 1-25

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