
HD Video wallpaper for iPhone

Up till now I have not even considered having an animated wallpaper on my iPhone. I remember all my old Sony Ericsson and Samsung phones have those cool animated wallpaper features. As I got to find out from Redmond Pie, Android has built-in support for the animated wallpapers ever since version 2.1 of their OS. Well, iPhone fanboys, no need to envy as there is now a solution for you too so that you can show off your iPhone 4 on the retina display with an animated wallpaper. Behold the vWallpaper jailbreak app. Yes you heard me right, you would first have to have a jailbroken iPhone. For the rest of the story, follow this link to Redmond Pie on how to install it.
Demonstration video after the jump...

I have an iPhone 3Gs running iOS 4.01. I personally would love to try out this app, but I'm wary of whether it would slow down the phone or even suck up my phone battery which I'm sure it will. Its just a matter of how slow it will get and how fast it will suck your battery's juice. However, if that is now your concern and if would much rather have a cool phone then by all means please try and report back :) Here's the video of vWallpaper demonstration.

One thing I have found out from the video comments and what you should be careful off, if you decide to remove the app from Cydia, make sure you disable the Video wallpaper from the vWallpaper app first prior to removing it from Cydia. If not, you may run into some problem. One user reported that after removing the app from Cydia, the video wallpaper still persists even after rebooting. The solution is to disable it first then remove.
Requirements: iOS 4.x

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