mers 2: Revenge of The Fallen two weeks (or was it three?) after its release. Reason: No need to stand in long endless queues for tickets. I know there's such thing as online booking/purchase nowadays. Well, still I'd have to be damn quick just to get the best seats I want.
The movie was around 150 minutes and I must say, I preferred the first instalment much better that this one. I find a lot of draggy scenes in this one and I especially hate all the parts with the annoying mum in it. Besides, why make the movie so dramatic and all those corny little
jokes in the movie are totally inappropriate. I mean jokes are fine, but unintelligent jokes... I find them annoying. And why is it there's always too many decepticons and too little autobots. Autobots are always not around whenever one of their mates are being beaten to death. The part where Optimus Prime fight with Megatron in the forest area, you see autobot rushing and you think they are near. But they only arrive after Optimus is killed! And why is it that whenever the Allspark transforms a machine into a robot, it has to be bad decepticon?
And why the hell did they leave Megatron's head attached to his body and then sinked it down in the ocean? Didn't they think the decepticons could swim? Can't they just have crushed his head and fed his whole body to the hot m
elting lava of an volcanic mountain or a steel factories iron molten pot?! That could have solved their Megatron coming back alive problem! But then again, we wouldn't have part 2 of Transformers would we??
nice booty
Don't get me wrong, I love Transformers and I loved it from young. But they gotta built a story more intelligent than this. Some parts just doesn't makes sense at all. Like the part where the decepticon disguises as Alice. I got a feeling like this was turning into a Terminator movie. And then there was the idea of Sam being able to absorb all the Energon information into his brain just by touching the AllSpark. And then having that vision while he was in class and trying to prove Einstein wrong?? Whats wrong with this movie!! This is turning into a Terminator + Matrix + Alien movie (add a little of American Pie too with all that booty and boobies showoffs). And the parents... gosh, all those scenes with them weren't funny at all man.
The part that really put me off completely was the final part where Sam supposedly died and saw all the dead "Primes" who tells him that its not his time yet and they will send him back to hell to save Optimus Prime. Damn... now robots live in our afterworld.
constructicons, transform!
The only thing I can praise about this movie is the special effects, the superb transformations and the spectacular modified Optimus Prime (and of course the site of Megan Fox's ass). I also like that the Constructicons were brought into this movie (and later merge to be Devastator). Maybe they can bring the Dinobots into Transformers 3 (if there ever going to be one). Battle scenes are great looking just a bit confusing as to which is autobot and which is decepticon.
Sigh! well, like I said, I love Transformers but I'm really disappointed with this second instalment. I'm not so eager about Transformers 3 happening now. God knows what they will make next time around.
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