I recently came across Maxis' website and saw that they are already offering the iPhone 3Gs. At first I thought they are probably selling it at over RM3000 like when they offered iPhone 3G few months back. The price as mentioned in their website is RM2,490 and RM2,990 for the 16Gb and 32Gb versions respectively. I then went on to Lelong website (http://www.lelong.com.my) to search for sellers. To my surprise, they are all selling much more expensive than Maxis. Prices range from RM2,800 to RM3,980!! Wait till these sellers see what Maxis is offering.
Its probably still to early because Maxis just launched their price like 5 days ago. It would be interesting to see what the auction site sellers are going to drop their prices too. Furthermore, Maxis' iPhones come with legitimate iPhone support, warranty and it is not sim-locked. Although if you use it with another service provider, they will void the warranty. So anyone waiting to get the iPhone 3Gs, don't buy it from vendors Lelong for the moment. If you can wait, then wait while more. If you can't, might as well get it from Maxis. What more, if your phone usage is more than RM100 per month, you can even sign up with a package and get the phone cheaper from as low as RM1590. Now that's a good bargain (but you're stuck with Maxis for at least 12 or 24 months)
Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen (WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)
mers 2: Revenge of The Fallen two weeks (or was it three?) after its release. Reason: No need to stand in long endless queues for tickets. I know there's such thing as online booking/purchase nowadays. Well, still I'd have to be damn quick just to get the best seats I want.
The movie was around 150 minutes and I must say, I preferred the first instalment much better that this one. I find a lot of draggy scenes in this one and I especially hate all the parts with the annoying mum in it. Besides, why make the movie so dramatic and all those corny little
jokes in the movie are totally inappropriate. I mean jokes are fine, but unintelligent jokes... I find them annoying. And why is it there's always too many decepticons and too little autobots. Autobots are always not around whenever one of their mates are being beaten to death. The part where Optimus Prime fight with Megatron in the forest area, you see autobot rushing and you think they are near. But they only arrive after Optimus is killed! And why is it that whenever the Allspark transforms a machine into a robot, it has to be bad decepticon?
And why the hell did they leave Megatron's head attached to his body and then sinked it down in the ocean? Didn't they think the decepticons could swim? Can't they just have crushed his head and fed his whole body to the hot m
elting lava of an volcanic mountain or a steel factories iron molten pot?! That could have solved their Megatron coming back alive problem! But then again, we wouldn't have part 2 of Transformers would we??
nice booty
Don't get me wrong, I love Transformers and I loved it from young. But they gotta built a story more intelligent than this. Some parts just doesn't makes sense at all. Like the part where the decepticon disguises as Alice. I got a feeling like this was turning into a Terminator movie. And then there was the idea of Sam being able to absorb all the Energon information into his brain just by touching the AllSpark. And then having that vision while he was in class and trying to prove Einstein wrong?? Whats wrong with this movie!! This is turning into a Terminator + Matrix + Alien movie (add a little of American Pie too with all that booty and boobies showoffs). And the parents... gosh, all those scenes with them weren't funny at all man.
The part that really put me off completely was the final part where Sam supposedly died and saw all the dead "Primes" who tells him that its not his time yet and they will send him back to hell to save Optimus Prime. Damn... now robots live in our afterworld.
constructicons, transform!
The only thing I can praise about this movie is the special effects, the superb transformations and the spectacular modified Optimus Prime (and of course the site of Megan Fox's ass). I also like that the Constructicons were brought into this movie (and later merge to be Devastator). Maybe they can bring the Dinobots into Transformers 3 (if there ever going to be one). Battle scenes are great looking just a bit confusing as to which is autobot and which is decepticon.
Sigh! well, like I said, I love Transformers but I'm really disappointed with this second instalment. I'm not so eager about Transformers 3 happening now. God knows what they will make next time around.
Photo mosaic software
Ever wanted to make your own photo mosaic potrait? Found this (Free!) software, Foto-mosaic(http://www.sixdots.de/mosaik/en/), that will help you do just that. You can create a beautiful photo mosaic out of few hundreds of photos.
The software is quite intuitive. All you need is a collection of pictures (you can get tonnes of them can be found on picasa or other image repositories. But just make sure you have permission to use them for your Picasso..

The software is quite intuitive. All you need is a collection of pictures (you can get tonnes of them can be found on picasa or other image repositories. But just make sure you have permission to use them for your Picasso..
And if you feel generous and find the software useful, you can probably donate to the creator of this software.
photo mosaic
TV Series Season Premieres schedule
Here are a few season premier schedules of my favorite TV series
- Fringe (Season 2) - Monday, Sept 17, 2009.
- Heroes (Season 4) - Monday, Sept. 21, 2009.
- CSI: Miami (Season 8) - Monday, Sept. 21, 2009.
- CSI (Season 10) - Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009.
- CSI: NY (Season 6) - Wed., Sept. 23, 2009.
- Dexter (Season 4) - Somewhere around September 2009.
- 24 (Season 8) - Sunday, January 17, 2010 (long time more to go!).
There is also a new series coming from NBC which "looks" interesting. Its starting next year (2010) though. Here is the trailer.
From this trailer, it looks like a big catastrophic end-of-the-world movie or i could be wrong. Could be an aliens invasion/attack movie.
Synopsis from NBC's official website
"In the aftermath of a global event that devastates the world's infrastructures, a small band of survivors strives to rebuild society and unravel the mysteries of why the event took place and what the future has in store. Told from the point of view of an eclectic group of neighbors in a Van Nuys, California apartment building, this journey of survival will show us that hope is found in the smallest of victories and heroes are born every day."
So long to wait!!
CSI: Miami,
Day One,
Season Premieres,
TV Series
Patrick Teoh
Some of you may not know him. He is the infamous radio DJ from Malaysia's Radio 4 (I think) many years ago. Why infamous? He has hosted radio shows where listeners can call in to give opinions and then he would shoot them down with his sarcasm and sometimes you can even tell that he is uninterested with what callers have to say. My opinion, he's right... hahaha, sometimes the calls are really uninteresting. The topic may be interesting, but the callers.... just plain boring.
Patrick Teoh has also got into trouble with authorities because of his bluntness on radio and his sarcasm. Of course, intelligent and educated people would understand his point of view. Need I elaborate more?? Well, just read The Star Online news and then read Malaysiankini news. Notice the difference (or rather the bias) in tones for political news.
I recently found Patrick Teoh's blog... and its appropriately (and rather funny) named Niamah!!! Hehe... and if you wanna know in more detail about him, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Teoh.
Patrick Teoh
Michael Jackson's Memorial service
My cousin asked me to record MJ's memorial service for her on Astro (Malaysia's satellite TV). Unfortunately, I do not have a video recorder or a DVR. I did found a few ways to watch it though for those of you who don't have any cable/satellite TV subscription. You can find a lot of sources online actually. Here are the few ways you can watch MJ's memorial that I found:
- Watch Michael Jackson's memorial on television. The television channels that will telecast the memorial include ABC, CNN, E!, and MSNBC. You can tune into the channels on Tuesday, July 7 at 10 am Pacific Standard Time (PST) (GMT-8). I believe many cable/pay TV in your country will broadcast this event.
- Watch the memorial online, streaming live over the Internet. Visit the websites of major TV news channels like CNN or MSNBC. You can also tune into your local news channel websites who will have a webcast going on.
- Visit specialized online video sites like uStream.com, Hulu.com, webtvhub.com, newteevee.com, or livestation.com. These websites will broadcast the video of Michael Jackson's memorial live over the Internet as soon as it begins at 10 am PST on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 (GMT-8).
- (NON-VIDEO) You can follow minute-by-minute update on the internet thru many other sites, most popular being http://www.Twitter.com/TVGuide and http://www.Facebook.com/TVGuide.
I believe there are many other streaming sources on the internet. If you don't get to watch it live, no worries! I'm sure there will be recorded videos available in your favorite torrent sites or even YOUTUBE!
Michael Jackson,
HDD Hardisk migration/duplication
I have twice migrated my computer hardisk. Both times when I upgraded my computer hardisks to a larger HDD. Basically, its pretty straight forward, install a ghosting software, plug-in the new HDD into the USB or an empty HDD slot in your desktop, ghost the whole image of your old HDD into the new while creating partitions to it. After that you can disconnect/remove your old HDD and install your new HDD into your computer and select it as the primary boot device. Once you have done all that, reboot your PC and voila! your old system in a new HDD, with much more disk space and you can install that new game you just bought which requires 50Gb of space! 

One drawback though, if you had any virus, spamware, malware or any other software problems you have in your old HDD will all still be around =D If you want those off and you can't get rid of them using any anti-spam software or any antiviral software, the only way to get rid of them once and for all is to do a painstaking full format and then reinstall your OS as well as all your other softwares.
I have posted a listing on lelong.com.my to offer my services for anyone who needs professional help in migration or simply just duplicating of your HDDs.
Windows XP
A 2 year old boy in China, Smoking!
This video is shot in China of a 2 year old boy lighting up and smoking a cigarette. Surprisingly, the adults beside him find it amusing or even found him cute (talented?). I know of China kids less than 10 years of age drinking beer/alcohol, but smoking? Actually, I'm sure this doesn't happen only in China. You could probably find it in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. So, don't think its only China.
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