
My first iPad... The New iPad

Although there has always been an iPad in my household (the first iPad), it was not officially mine. Up until the iPad 2 was released, I was tempted to get one for myself but told myself to wait until the Retina display is on it before getting one. My old iPhone 4 continue to be my iOS companion for the time being. But now, the time has come and last week the New iPad was finally launched in Malaysia.

I'm also not the kind who would go queue up to purchase a gadget that I really want unless it is limited edition. The first day launch queues in the Apple outlets will definitely be long and snaky. The iPad is not limited edition and it is not THAT special anymore. So why the hurry? During the second day of the iPad's launch, I went shopping and walked passed an Apple authorize dealer store. To my surprise there was no queue to be seen, although there were many people crowding to try out the New iPad. I asked the sales person, "Are there no more units available?" to which he answered "No sir... we still have it. No more black 64Gb Wifi version though". Well.... I wanted to get a 64Gb and I wanted white. So no problem there! I got in and bought mine and in less than 15 minutes I walked out of the shop a 64Gb Wifi-only New iPad owner.

Is the iPad not that in demand anymore? Well it certainly looks that way. But maybe because many who wanted have already gotten in via some other unofficial channels that have brought import versions in. Many Singapore units have been brought in and Singapore had the iPad launch much earlier than Malaysia did.

Anyway, that's it. I'm now a proud owner of the New iPad. I've own an iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. And they have always been jailbroken whenever a new jailbreak is release for the latest iOS versions. So now, its back to the waiting game for a new jailbreak for this New iPad.... I love the excitement!

Note: This blog post was written just the second day after the release of the new iPad but I procrastinated to post as I was busy as hell.... but finally got it posted :)

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