
Goggle Maps Live Traffic available in Malaysia now

Just found out today that Google Maps live traffic feed is now available for Malaysia. Google Maps have been an indispensable tool to many people in the world and Malaysia is no different. Searching for a location has never been so easy and quick until Google Maps came a long and from the day it started till now, there have been vast improvements and features added to it. And although Malaysian users have been getting updates slower than other major countries, we are not forgotten by Google.

Up until now, the only way I can find out about live traffic updates was via my Waze app on my iPhone. But I'm a bit sceptical about its accuracy mainly because I do not know how many users of Waze there are actually in Malaysia. The accuracy of these app depends largely on users input (active or passive) and if not enough users are using it, the data feed may not be as reliable. With Google Maps, which has its app built-in all Android devices and iOS devices, it definitely safe to say that the data feed is much more reliable. Of course the users still need to load the app in order for it to send traffic information. But the stats have a higher chance of reliability when all the devices have the app.

The launch of Google Maps in Malaysia will definitely be useful and a welcome feature. We can now check traffic details on our computers prior to making a journey and we can plan alternate routes to avoid any traffic congestions. You can now go to Google maps on your browser and click on the traffic layer to enable live traffic information. You can even see historical traffic data from the option it provides. From the looks of it, you can track data of up to one week ago.

You can see from the map above the roads with the colored lines. The green line indicates smooth traffic, yellow indicates moderate and the red... well, we all know red means danger! Do not mistaken the light yellow of the roads to the yellow traffic feeds though.

The Google layers can also be accessible from your Google Maps app on Android or iOS devices. Just open up your map and open up the settings page and show traffic. Well, hurrah for live traffic feeds, now Google, what about Google Street View for Malaysia? And I'm sure many Android users in Malaysia will be hoping for the Google Navigation as soon as possible!

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